Marisa Brizzi

Marisa Brizzi
Class of 2017, Gainesville Campus

In Her Own Words

Why did you choose UF College of Pharmacy?
I choose UF because it is the top pharmacy school in Florida. Everyone I talked to about pharmacy school at UF has done great things and are doing really well after graduation. A lot of the faculty members here graduate from UF, and it is inspiring to see how far they have gone with their degree.

How is UF preparing you to be a great pharmacist?
The College of Pharmacy does a great job preparing students for real-life experiences. They have a lot of classes that challenge you and make you go outside your comfort zone. I have learned a lot about how certain drugs work in certain populations and how to modify drugs for patient specific factors like age, weight or lifestyle.

What activities are available to students outside of the classroom?
There are so many student activities available at UF including many student organizations. I am on the admissions committee and that has helped me get to know faculty outside of the classroom. Some of my classmates work with faculty on research projects. On football weekends in the fall, students get together and go to the Gator games. It gives us a nice study break.

How will a degree from the College of Pharmacy help you reach your career aspirations?
I want to start with a residency and specialize in geriatrics. Eventually, I would like to work in the VA health care system. I really enjoy working with the geriatric population and talking with them. They really want your help and appreciate your help. They struggle to understand a lot of things about medication, and I think if you are there to help them understand medications, they are really grateful for that. They put their trust in their health care provider, and I think it’s really important that UF is teaching me the skills necessary to help geriatric patients with my career.

What do you enjoy about living in Gainesville?
Gainesville is a smaller college town, so everything you need is within a 15 mile radius. Yet, UF is a large campus with many different activities for students. Gator football and basketball games are really popular. I really like that Gainesville has so many health resources and having the College of Pharmacy affiliated with UF Health has many advantages for students.